Kinerja Pengelolaan Dana Desa Lombonga Kecamatan Balaesang Kabupaten Donggala
Performance of Lombonga Village Fund Management, Balaesang District, Donggala Regency. Supervised by Aries Singi and Israfil Manata Putra. The formulation of the problem in this research is how the Fund Management Performance of Lombonga Village, Balaesang District, Donggala Regency is. This type of research is qualitative. The informants for this research were Lombonga Village Officials, Balaesang District, Donggala Regency. The technique for determining informants was purposive sampling. Data collection methods include observation, interviews and documentation, while data analysis techniques include data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The performance theory used is Hasibuan's theory which consists of Skill, Effort, and Opportunity. The research results show that it can be concluded that village fund managers have skills or abilities due to efforts to increase human resources so that village fund managers understand their duties and functions in their work. From the efforts of village fund managers in carrying out their work, it shows that village fund managers already have efforts to achieve performance, but village fund managers need to be given training, guidance and education to support the quality of their work. Meanwhile, the opportunity has shown to be good, this means that village fund managers get job opportunities and village fund managers can also make good use of these opportunities to achieve their performance.
Keywords: Performance, Skills, Effort, and Opportunity
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