Strategi Komunikasi Pemerintah Desa Oti Kabupaten Donggala Dalam Penyaluran Bantuan Langsung Tunai Covid19
This research aims to find out how the Leadership Communication Strategy is in Optimizing the Performance of Subordinates at the Gunung Bale Village Office. The research type is descriptive with a qualitative approach with data collection techniques, namely observation, interviews and documentation. By using this method the researcher hopes to be able to explain and illustrate "Leadership Communication Strategies in Optimizing Employee Performance at the Gunung Bale Village Office, Banawa District". The results of the research explain that the Gunung Bale Village Head's Communication Strategy uses redundancy and informative communication methods. This strategy tends to be effective in optimizing subordinate performance. There are four communication strategy steps that leaders take to optimize subordinate performance. First, get to know the audience (subordinates). Second, compose the message, the message provides motivation that can optimize subordinate performance. Third, determine the method. The methods used are the redundancy and informative methods as well as the canalizing and educational methods. Fourth, media selection, the media used is a WhatsApp group.
Keywords: Communication Strategy, Performance Optimization
Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Tasrif

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