Analisis Persediaan Bahan Baku Pada Industri Kacang Goyang Prima Rasa Di Kota Palu
Peanuts as a commodity in the agricultural sector of food crop plants are often used as raw materials for the processed food industry. Peanuts have the highest protein and fat content among other food crop plants. This has attracted researchers to examine the Analysis of Raw Material Inventory in the Prima Rasa Peanut Brittle Industry in Palu City. Objective of this study is to find out how to optimize the inventory of peanut raw materials if using EOQ (Economic Order Quantity) in the Prima Rasa peanut brittle industry in Palu city by knowing how much the economic purchase of raw materials (EOQ) is for raw material inventory, how much the total cost of raw material inventory, how much safety stock, to find out when is the right time for the industry to reorder (ROP) raw materials. The data used in this study are primary and secondary data. Primary data in this study were obtained by observation and direct interviews with respondents using questionnaires. Secondary data were obtained from various data centers, namely related agencies and literature relevant to the objectives of this study. The data analysis used inventory analysis. Results of the study show that the economic amount of raw material purchases at the Prima Rasa Home Industry averages 870.75 kg, for January 822.09 kg, February 822.09 kg, March 927.45 kg, April 960.00 kg, May 822.09 kg, with a frequency of ordering 2 times ordering, with an average safety stock of 379.32 kg and reorder point of 758.64 kg. (b) The Total Cost that must be incurred by the Prima Rasa Home Industry for the largest stock inventory in May is Rp. 986,514.00, while the lowest cost was incurred in March of Rp. 741,958.00 in other words, the total cost of raw material inventory of Prima Rasa Home Industry averages Rp. 828,132.00 per month.
Keywords: Peanuts, EOQ, ROP, Raw Material Inventory
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